All Hallows’ Eve
Samhain. All Hallows’ Eve. Halloween. It’s my favorite time of year. Just 6 days before my birthday, it’s the perfect excuse for me to play dress-up and pre-game my way into November, when I celebrate my birthday all month long! Since I did not go all out this year, here’s a quick re-cap of previous Halloweens:

I really feel like I had a very low key Halloween this year, being that I did not dress up and go crazy like I always do or hit up any of the industry club parties. To be quite honest, I am completely fine with that. I did dress up for the live show on Oct 30. [If you don’t what that is, I highly suggest you visit the site if you’re into gaming and catch up on all the videos with girls playing video games. It’s FREE!] Here I am with Alana Evans, Missy Martinez and Britney Young. Try to guess our costumes:

For as long as I have lived in LA and how often I have visited Universal Studios, there was one thing I had yet to do – Hollywood Horror Nights. Tickets sell really fast, so a lot of people that wanted to go with me were unable to. I was lucky to have one of my good friends, Robbie Antonio, to think ahead and get us VIP tickets. So, just like popping my Disney World cherry, he popped my HHN one that Halloween night.
We got to City Walk a little after 5pm, which was perfect for Happy Hour. We started at Karl Strauss for some beer, appetizers and a cocktail. From there, we hopped over to Panda Inn for another cocktail and some eggrolls. Finally, we stopped at Hard Rock for our last cocktail and headed towards the park, where we were greeted by some hot clown gogo dancers.

After having gone through the Universal Monsters Remix (usually House of Horrors) to warm up, we headed to the Terror Tram, where we met up with Jessica Jaymes and hung out for the rest of the night. One of my favorite movies, when I was younger was the original Psycho. I loved being able to walk the part of the Universal backlot that has the house from the movie. We got to have a photo op with a sexy Norman Bates.

After stopping at the Psycho house, we walked our way through the War of the Worlds and hopped a tram back to the main park. Being that I am HUGE horror fiend, it almost seems like I’m jaded – it takes a lot to scare me. HHN has six mazes, plus the terror tram, which is invaded by the Walking Dead. From there we went on the Mummy Ride and Transformers 3D. T3D was my first time finally riding it, and I have to say I found it pretty amazing.

The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is another one of my favorite movies. The maze seemed a little short – though still very nice set ups, and again, I wasn’t really scared…until we went to Silent Hill. Love the video game, and I had my minor moments in this one. Pretty much all the Pyramid Heads they had walking around were menacingly huge, and I mean HUGE even if you take away their stilts.

Alice Cooper goes to Hell was cool because it was in 3D, and you walk through a maze that takes you through the seven deadly sins. With the colors, the music, and ambiance, I feel like this would be a lot fun on mushrooms. Nothing really scared me in this one, but I still liked it. Finally, we got to the Walking Dead maze. Now, I have been a huge fan of Walking Dead lonnnnng before the TV show came out. I’ve been collecting the comics, since Issue #1, so it was really great to skip the front of the line (which most lines for all the rides and mazes were upwards of 120min wait times). Having gone through 4 mazes up to this point, this one actually made me jump a few times. Silent Hill was my favorite until we endured The Walking Dead. I fucking loved it! It truly was as though we saved all the best for last. The final one we experienced was La Llorona, which is a very interesting Mexican folklore and also the only other maze brought back from the previous year (they change the mazes each year). It means “weeping woman” and is about a woman, who drowns her two children then commits suicide after being rejected by the man she loves. This maze was very visually striking. “Oh, this one is the least scary of them all,” Robbie said to me earlier in the evening. I’m pretty sure he screamed more on this one than any other one, but I admit I got scared a few times as well. Beautifully done. They all were. My favorite part about walking through all the different mazes is how elaborately done they were to really bring you into the scene. I thoroughly enjoyed it and still cannot believe I waited this long to finally experience it.
If you want to see what kind of things my friends and I encountered, check out their site and watch their videos.
In addition to all the fun scares, we watched Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure. The best way to describe this show is they make fun of all the “big” things that happened this year from movies to celebrities. A good example is how they kept killing Kristen Stewart over and over again throughout the show, which I will happily admit was really fun to watch because I personally cannot stand her. haha The two most fabulous parts of the show, however, is when they had Batman and Bane come out, both speaking incoherently, and a Madonna singing in the closing finale. Why is that fabulous you ask? I love Batman, and Robbie loves Madonna. It’s like someone told them we were coming… 😉
My iPhone died earlier in the night, so I couldn’t bring part of the show back home with me. With that said, here’s a snippet of the opening of the show I found:
Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! Until next year…