All Hallows’ Eve
Samhain. All Hallows’ Eve. Halloween. It’s my favorite time of year. Just 6 days before my birthday, it’s the perfect excuse for me to play dress-up and pre-game my way into November, when I celebrate my birthday all month long! Since I did not go all out this year, here’s a quick re-cap of previous Halloweens:

I really feel like I had a very low key Halloween this year, being that I did not dress up and go crazy like I always do or hit up any of the industry club parties. To be quite honest, I am completely fine with that. I did dress up for the live show on Oct 30. [If you don’t what that is, I highly suggest you visit the site if you’re into gaming and catch up on all the videos with girls playing video games. It’s FREE!] Here I am with Alana Evans, Missy Martinez and Britney Young. Try to guess our costumes:

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