My pre-Halloween weekend consisted mostly of bars, crashing parties, and lots of tequila. Yes, I took a break from Jäger. haha Read on…
My best friend Shane moved away for work in the beginning of the year, so it was the first time I had seen him in several months. He flew in Friday evening from Las Vegas, and after scooping me up from HoWood, we ventured to our old hood of DTLA. We started at Down and Out, where our friend Steviee fed us tequila shots. After playing catch-up over a few more shots and some drinks, we left to meet up with our old neighbor Ryan Ross at some party down the street. It was pretty dead by the time we got there, and by dead, I mean there were dead Disney princesses everywhere. From there, we went a few blocks up back to our good friend Johnny White’s, where we ended our evening in his library and the rest from there is a blur for me. It was a great Friday to kick off some pre-Halloween fun.

Shane and I tagged along with Johnny to a surprise bday/Halloween party on the west side of town. Neither Shane or I had costumes, but Johnny White always has something in his closet. He dressed Shane in a Shakespearean outfit with bottoms too big, he ended up wearing the top with jeans. I donned Mr. White’s sailor top and hat with jeans. Is that Demetrius from A Midsummer Night’s Dream?

Since Shane and I knew no one there, we basically crashed the party. Johnny White has fabulous friends, so it was nice. From there, the three of us plus Johnny’s roommate Brian, ventured back to DTLA to a historic core bar, where we drank for free the entire night thanks to Johnny’s bartender buddy. Naked chicks in body paint, Cabbage Patch Kids, human bacon, and so much tequila sums up that night.

The next morning, I woke up at Johnny’s at 9am to the sound of a shitty cover band and occasional yelling of encouragements to what sounded like people in a marathon. I immediately knew what it was because I remembered it from last year, when I lived in DTLA. Awake and slightly hungover, I was restless at that point. An hour later, Johnny and some of his roommates were up, while Shane was still passed out on the couch. As we exited the building to grab coffee around the corner, the marathon was going on right outside Johnny’s building on 6th St. It was 10:30am, and the signs read: “Streets closed from 9am to 4pm,” which meant no one, who lived on the street could drive out of their parking lot. Since I couldn’t head back to HoWood, we did what we always do best over at casa de Juanito Blanco — mimosas in the garden. That always tend to help hangovers. For us anyway. A few hours and several mimosas later, Shane finally woke him from his slumber and joined us. In an attempt to open the last cheap bottle of champagne we had, he sliced his finger open:

I accompanied Shane to get his finger looked at, but instead of stopping at the only urgent care that seemed to be open in the area, we went to Walgreens instead. Butterfly bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and more champagne was enough for Shane to heal his wound.
It was a very strange Sunday…